Have no time to market your business? Are you a “doer”, not a “writer”? Is your marketing team already performing at max? Do you need some help creating a web page or selling your art online? Do you want to increase customer awareness? Do you want to generate more leads for your email list? Do you want to increase your sales? Do you want quality information to retain the customers you have and entice them to buy more?
If you said “yes” to any of the above, I can help you. I offer the following services:
Content Writer
Web page content…
Your web page should not only inform your prospects about what you do and are trying to sell, but it should also reflect your personality, offer quality information, showcase your talents, and keep them coming back for more.
I am happy to take a look at your web page and see if there is anything that could be added or changed that would help you get to your bottom-line goals. And if your site is perfect, I will let you know that, as well, and then we can discuss other possible avenues to fit your marketing plan.
Click here to view some of my web content successes (link coming soon…)
One of the best ways to retain customers and spread awareness of your product is through an e-newsletter. You can offer your clients some great information in a newsletter and I can do all the legwork in creating it. Newsletters can be time-consuming from the research to the writing and they need to come out consistently. In some cases, e-newsletters can also be income generating if you offer something of value that your customers would pay a small fee to subscribe. These things could be a monthly jewelry project or a leather-working pattern in a pdf format.
To see some samples of my e-newsletters, click here (link coming soon…)
Contact me to discuss how I can help you with an e-newsletter and see if we are a good fit.
Blog Posts…
Weekly blog posts on your web page or social media pages gets your name “out there” and will bring in new customers and increase their awareness of your products or services. To generate the best results, blog posts should contain value and have some key components. My training at AWAI (American Writer’s and Artists Institute) has given me the skills to create strong blog posts with meaningful content that your customers will want to read each week. We can determine how often your blogs should be published, go over where you want to publish them, and set up a monthly payment schedule for them.
Go here to see some of my blog posts and then contact me to set up a zoom meeting to discuss your needs. (links coming soon)
Case Studies (customer reviews)…
Your current satisfied customers are your marketing champions. These days, customer reviews carry a lot of weight for those shopping online. Showcasing in depth interviews with your satisfied customers on your web page gives your prospects detailed information on why your product is going to solve their needs and helps them make a decision. Along with the case studies, your product descriptions on your site are also an opportunity to market to your prospects.
My journalism background writing feature articles, advertising articles, and interviewing people for news stories gives me a great deal of experience to draw out the best your satisfied customers have to say about you and your product or service. This is a skill your average copywriter normally does not posses and asking the right questions can turn a mediocre review into a sale generating case study that will increase your bottom-line.
Feature Articles…
Feature articles can be similar to blog posts, but they are not exactly the same. Do you want your customers to know what art shows you plan to attend this year? Is there something special you are working on right now? Do you have specific information you want your customers to know about? While blog posts can cover a variety of information that your customers will find interesting, Feature Articles are more about you and your business. They can also cover things trending in your industry and other subjects closely related to your product or service. They are longer than a blog post, go into more depth and details, and help customers relate to you. I often use a feature article as the main story in an e-newsletter, so these two items go hand-in-hand.
See some of my current feature articles and some news stories I wrote for Hometown News in Florida a few years ago here. (link coming soon)
Contact me to find out how feature articles can generate sales and increase awareness. (link coming soon)
Today, emails are still the most effective way to generate sales. Each day your customer is bombarded with dozens, if not hundreds of marketing emails in their inbox. Only a fraction of those emails are ever opened, and only a fraction of those get a click through to your web site’s landing page. The first step to email success is getting your future customer to open the email. That is accomplished through the subject line that needs to stand out from all the other subject lines in their inbox.
Once you have their attention, you have to keep it by offering something of value. My training at AWAI has taught me what to include in a sales email, and what not to. I know how to create catchy subject lines and email content that will stand out from the mediocre and AI generated stuff that your customer has to wade through. Once established, you will likely find that your emails will not only be opened, but that your repeat customers will look forward to them and want to open them each time.
There is also a limit to how many emails you should be sending out per day or per week. Most people do not want 10 emails a day from the same company. Who has time to read that? Sending out emails less frequently, but that contain real value will generate more sales than flooding inboxes with less meaningful content. Quality over quantity.
Some of my sales emails are featured here (link coming soon)
Landing Pages…
Once you get someone to open your email and read it, or to read your blog post or feature article, you want them to click through the link provided to your landing page. The landing page gives the customer more information about your product or service, and should offer a special deal or “freebie” to get them to either give you their email address, or click through to a sales page. Landing pages should be written to entice a prospect to take a certain action. They are designed for a spectific purpose, be that lead generation, sales, or retention. They need to be more than just a description of your product or service.
Here are some landing page samples. (link coming soon)